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Mammalian genome is organized into a highly ordered nucleoprotein complex known as chromatin. Several small modifications both in DNA and protein component of chromatin fine-tune the underlying gene expression programs, genome repair as well as replication and are coined as epigenetic modifications. The alterations in the epigenomic landscape of chromatin are causally related to normal homeostasis of the organism and so as the pathobiological state. The molecular mechanism of epigenetic modification based functions is operated through the protein which recognizes this modification and thereby differentially recruits several other regulatory factors. The research focus of Prof. Chandrima Das group at the Chromatin Dynamics laboratory, SINP is to understand some of these epigenetic readers in the context of cellular functions and their possible connection to the disease, including metabolic as well as infectious diseases.



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DAE - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

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