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Tri-lab Party-Mariano.jpg
Tripartite lab outing - Dr. Chandrima Das lab group alongside Dr. Siddhartha Roy group and Dr. Amitava Sengupta group from CSIR - Indian Institute of Chemical Biology with Prof. Mariano Barbacid of CNIO, Madrid, Spain during his visit to Kolkata  in 2018
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Santanu and Sabyasachi engrossed in a discussion with
Prof. Mariano Barbacid of CNIO, Madrid, Spain during his visit to Kolkata  in 2018
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Members of the lab, (from left) Vipin, Amrita, Swagata and Payel 
hanging out at SINP premises
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Sabyasachi, at his graduation day celebration with Payel, Sulagna, Santanu
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Isha, at her graduation day celebration dinner
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Tripartite lab outing - alongside Dr. Siddhartha Roy and  Dr.Amitava Sengupta  lab groups with Prof. Jerry Workman of Stowers Institute, Kansas, USA during his visit to Kolkata  in 2017, here in front of Victoria Memorial.
Payel at her poster 
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Lab members posing during the International Cancer Meeting
at SINP in 2018
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Payel delivering her talk at the SBC Kolkata Chapter, 2021
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Lab members posing during field trip with the invited speakers of the International Cancer Meeting
at SINP in 2018, (from left) - Sabyasachi, Payel, Sulagna, Isha, Prof. Mark T. Bedford, Prof. Michelle Barton, Prof. Sharon Dent (all from 
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Texas, USA), Santanu and Prof. Jerry Workman (Stowers Institute, Kansas, USA)
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Amrita at her poster during SINP School and Symposium on Advances in Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, 2019
Lab members posing with Sabyasachi (alumni by then) during his lab visit in 2019  
CDL members along with PI on the occasion of completing 5 years of the lab, 2017.
CDL members along with PI and Prof. Tapas K. Kundu on the celebration of completing 10 years of the lab journey, 2022.
CDL members celebrated the graduation day of Dr. Payel Mondal on 23rd June, 2022
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CDL members along with PI pose on the day of Payel's Thesis Submission

DAE - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

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